Taxi Privacy Policy: Protecting Your Personal Data In Jordan

Taxi Privacy Policy: Protecting Your Personal Data in Jordan

Welcome to WePetra Taxi! As a leading taxi service in Jordan, the privacy and security of our riders' personal information is of utmost importance to us. In this blog post, we will outline our comprehensive privacy policy that ensures your data is protected at all times. From understanding your rights and choices to safeguarding children's privacy, we are committed to maintaining transparency and earning your trust. Read on to learn more about how we prioritize the confidentiality of your information.

Why is a Taxi Privacy Policy Important?

Your privacy matters to us. At WePetra Taxi, we understand that your personal information should be treated with the utmost confidentiality and care. Our authorized team ensures that your data is collected securely and used only for providing you with our premium taxi services. Rest assured, your information is stored in a safe and secure manner to protect it from unauthorized access or disclosure. Trust us to prioritize the privacy of our valued customers like you.

Protecting Your Personal Information

Compliance with Data Protection Laws: Our top priority is ensuring that your personal information is handled in accordance with all relevant data protection laws. WePetra Taxi strictly adheres to authorized guidelines for the collection, usage, and confidentiality of customer data.

Implementing Strong Security Measures: We take the security of your information seriously. To safeguard against unauthorized access or use, we have implemented robust security measures across our systems. Rest assured that your data is protected by state-of-the-art encryption technology.

Regular Privacy Audits: At WePetra Taxi, privacy audits are conducted on a regular basis to ensure ongoing compliance and adherence to our strict privacy policies. These audits allow us to identify any potential vulnerabilities and make necessary improvements to further protect your personal information.

Data Collection and Usage

Collection of Necessary Information Only: At WePetra Taxi, we ensure that we only collect the necessary information from our customers. This means that we gather the data required to provide you with a seamless and efficient taxi service, while respecting your privacy.

Purpose of Data Collection Clearly Defined: Our data collection process has a clearly defined purpose. We collect customer information solely for the purpose of improving our services and providing personalized experiences. Rest assured that your data will never be used for any unauthorized activities.

Consent-Based Data Usage: Your privacy is important to us, which is why we strictly adhere to consent-based data usage practices. We will only use your personal information in ways you have authorized us to do so, ensuring confidentiality and maintaining trust between our valued customers and WePetra Taxi.

Sharing Your Information

  • Limited sharing with trusted partners only: WePetra Taxi ensures that your personal information is shared only with authorized and trustworthy partners who are bound by strict confidentiality agreements.
  • Explicit consent required for third-party sharing: WePetra Taxi will never share your data with any third party without obtaining your explicit consent. Your privacy and confidentiality are our top priorities.
  • Transparency in shared information: WePetra Taxi believes in providing complete transparency when it comes to sharing your information. You have the right to know how, why, and with whom your data is being shared.

We understand that the protection of customer data is of utmost importance. That's why we take every measure possible to ensure the confidentiality and security of all collected information.

Storing and Securing Your Information

Our top priority at WePetra Taxi is ensuring the security and confidentiality of your personal information. To achieve this, we have implemented a secure storage infrastructure with encryption to safeguard your data from unauthorized access. Additionally, strict access controls are in place to limit any potential breaches by unauthorized individuals. Furthermore, our systems undergo regular monitoring to quickly identify and address any potential security issues or breaches that may arise. Rest assured that protecting the privacy of our valued customers is of utmost importance to us.

Your Rights and Choices

At WePetra Taxi, we believe in giving you control over your personal information. You have the right to access and update the information we have about you at any time. Simply reach out to our customer service team and they will assist you promptly.

We understand that not everyone wants to receive marketing communications from us. If you prefer not to receive such updates, promotions, or newsletters, simply let us know and we will respect your choice by opting you out of our marketing list.

Accessing and Updating Your Information

How to access your personal information: At WePetra Taxi, we believe in transparency and accountability. You have the right to know what personal information we hold about you. To access your information, simply send us a request stating your name and contact details, and our dedicated privacy team will provide you with the requested data within 30 days.

Steps to update or correct your information: Your satisfaction is our priority. If any of your personal information changes or needs correction, please notify us immediately. Send an email specifying the required updates along with sufficient evidence for identification purposes. Our team will promptly update the necessary details in our database.

Ensuring the accuracy of your data: Accuracy matters when it comes to protecting your privacy. We take every precaution to ensure that all personal data stored by WePetra Taxi is accurate and up-to-date. However, if you notice any inaccuracies in the provided information, please inform us so that we can rectify it promptly and maintain utmost precision in safeguarding your data.

Children's Privacy

Our Commitment to Children's Privacy: At WePetra Taxi, we understand the importance of children's privacy and take it seriously. We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under the age of 13. If we become aware that we have inadvertently collected personal information from a child under 13 years old, we will promptly delete it.

Parental Controls: As a parent or guardian, you play an important role in protecting your child's privacy online. We encourage you to actively monitor and supervise your child's use of our taxi services and ensure they do not provide any personal information without your consent. By taking advantage of parental controls available on devices and applications, you can further safeguard their privacy while using WePetra Taxi services.

Our Commitment to Children's Privacy

Age restrictions for using our taxi services: WePetra Taxi implements age restrictions to ensure the safety and security of children. Users must be at least 18 years old to use our taxi services, as we prioritize the well-being of young passengers.

Collection of personal information from children: At WePetra Taxi, we do not knowingly collect personal information from children under the age of 13. If we become aware that a child has provided us with their personal information without parental consent, we will take immediate steps to delete this data from our systems.

Use of parental consent for children's data: To protect the privacy and security of children's data, WePetra Taxi requires parental consent before collecting any personal information from individuals under the age of 18. This ensures that parents have control over their child's online activities and helps create a safer environment for younger users.

Parental Controls

Overview of parental control features in our taxi app

Our taxi app includes robust parental control features that allow parents to have peace of mind while their children use our services. With these controls, parents can set usage limits, monitor their child's activity, and restrict certain functionalities to ensure a safe and secure experience.

How parents can limit and monitor their child's usage

Parents have the ability to set time restrictions on when their child can use the taxi app. By setting predetermined hours or daily limits, they can ensure that their child is not accessing the service during inappropriate times or excessively using it. Additionally, parents can monitor their child's activity through detailed reports and notifications, providing them with transparency into where and when the service is being used.

We understand the importance of complying with privacy laws when it comes to protecting children online. Our taxi app adheres to all relevant regulations regarding data collection from minors under 18 years old. We strictly safeguard personal information provided by children and obtain appropriate consent from a parent or guardian before collecting any data related to them.

Updates to Our Privacy Policy

  1. Notification of Changes: WePetra Taxi is dedicated to keeping you informed about any updates made to our privacy policy. We will notify you promptly and clearly whenever changes are made, ensuring that you have the necessary information to make informed decisions regarding your personal data.
  2. Reviewing the Updated Privacy Policy: It is important for all taxi riders to carefully review our updated privacy policy. By familiarizing yourself with our practices, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of how we safeguard your personal information and ensure its confidentiality throughout your journey with WePetra Taxi.

Notifying You of Changes

Email notifications for privacy policy updates, in-app notifications for privacy policy changes, and website pop-up alerts for updated privacy policy are the methods we use to notify you of any changes to our policies. We understand the importance of keeping you informed and ensuring transparency in how we handle your personal information. Rest assured that these notifications are designed to keep you up-to-date and give you peace of mind when using our taxi services. As part of our commitment to protecting your privacy, we encourage you to review the updated privacy policy whenever these notifications are sent or displayed. Your understanding and cooperation help us maintain a trustworthy relationship with all our valued customers.

Reviewing the Updated Privacy Policy


Understanding the purpose and scope of the privacy policy:

  • Our updated privacy policy outlines how we protect your personal information
  • It ensures that your data is used only for legitimate purposes

Identifying what personal information is collected and how it is used:

  • We collect necessary details such as name, contact number, and location for efficient service
  • Your personal information will never be shared with any third party without your consent

Examining data security measures implemented by the taxi service:

  • We have stringent security protocols in place to safeguard your sensitive data
  • Our systems are regularly monitored and audited to prevent unauthorized access or breaches

Contact Us

24/7 Customer Support: Our dedicated team is available around the clock to assist you with any queries or concerns you may have. Whether it's a question about our services or help with a booking, we are here to provide prompt and reliable support.

Phone and Email Contact Details: You can reach us through multiple channels. For immediate assistance, give us a call at [phone number]. Alternatively, you can send an email to [email address] and expect a swift response from our customer service representatives.

Feedback and Complaints: We value your feedback as it helps us improve our services. If you have any suggestions or complaints, please don't hesitate to let us know. We take every comment seriously and strive for continuous enhancement in order to meet your expectations.