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Jordan is a country that is rich in history and culture, with a fascinating past that dates back thousands of years. From ancient ruins to medieval castles, there are countless historical attractions in Jordan that are sure to captivate any history enthusiast. In this article, we will explore some of the 50 top Things to Do in Jordan, and delve into the stories and significance behind each one.

If you are considering a trip to the Middle East, make sure to plan your vacation in Jordan and discover the most popular tourist destinations in jordan on our comprehensive list.

Why choose Jordan for your vacation?

Jordan offers a rich tapestry of ancient civilizations and ultra-modern luxuries, blending a unique experience that ensnares the senses. It’s not just a destination—it’s an immersive experience that becomes a part of you. From the intriguing ancient city of Petra to the peaceful landscapes of Wadi Rum, Jordan promises an array of unforgettable experiences.

A snapshot of Jordan’s rich history and culture

A landlocked country in Western Asia, Jordan’s history can be traced back to the Paleolithic period. Along this historic journey, Jordan has been home to several ancient civilizations, from the aged Nabateans, and the Romans to the Islamic and Ottoman Empires. Each left imprints that add to the country’s rich cultural heritage and diversity.

Jordan’s culture

Jordan’s culture is steeped strongly in its traditions and religious customs from the Islamic world. Known for their warm hospitality, Jordanians imbue an endearing old-world charm that is reflected in their everyday life; from their distinct dance forms like the Dabke, to their traditional attire, the thawb and the love for strong Arabic coffee.

Today, one can still see the remnants of these mesmerizing ancient civilizations, including the Byzantine ruins of Petra and Jerash, and the medieval city of Umm Qais, each telling a unique tale of the past.

WePetra Jordan Taxi Service

The WePetra Jordan Taxi Service is an essential component of navigating Jordan’s terrain and reaching popular destinations such as Petra. It is recommended to begin your journey from Amman, the capital city, where taxis can ferry you to the central Jett bus station, which provides daily services to several cities, including Petra. The bus fare is reasonable, approximately 10 JD per person, making it an economical choice for travelers.

However, keep in mind that the culturally respectful norm in Jordan is that women should not sit in the front passenger seat beside a male driver. Also, try to avoid morning and evening rush hours as the roads can get quite congested, leading to long delays.

The Jordan pass

To explore Petra comprehensively, consider buying a 2-day pass to save money. The ancient city is vast and requires at least two days for an in-depth exploration. The 2-day pass is available at 90 JD, providing significant savings compared to a 1-day pass.

Though Jordan’s transportation system may seem limited, it provides a unique and practical way to experience Jordan’s fascinating locales, from Petra’s tombs cut into the rose-hued rock to the endless expanse of Wadi Rum’s desert sands.

Delving Deep into Amman

Experiencing the modern and ancient mix

In Jordan, the past meets the present in a mesmerizing dance. In its capital, Amman, skyscrapers and modern architecture juxtapose elegantly against historic ruins, manifesting a beautiful balance of old and new.

A walk through Amman reveals Roman amphitheaters and citadels at one corner, followed by buzzing marketplaces with various local goods on the other. It’s a fascinating peek into the coexistence of tradition and contemporary lifestyles.

Indeed, this captivating blend extends beyond just the city of Amman; countless other locations such as the ancient crusader city of Petra and the medieval city of Umm Qais relay the same rhythm of time gone by and modernity, providing travelers with a timeless experience.

In addition, Jordan’s vibrant art scene and burgeoning tech industry indicate the nation’s ambition to emerge as a modern geocultural hub. Thus, experiencing the blend of the modern and the ancient is a unique aspect of Jordan’s allure that should not be missed.

Top Amman attractions you shouldn’t miss

The grandeur of Amman unfolds in various contrasting attractions. Here are some you must not miss:

The King Abdullah Mosque and the Ajloun Castle

are two essential landmarks in Amman’s skyline. The mosque, named after the man who commissioned its construction, features an iconic blue dome and can accommodate tens of thousands of people for prayers. It is also open to non-Muslim visitors, promoting interfaith harmony.

Ajloun Castle

The Ajloun Castle, on the other hand, stands proudly on a hilltop overlooking the city. Its magnificent architecture and historical significance make it a must-visit attraction for tourists. The combination of these two landmarks showcases the rich cultural heritage and architectural beauty of Amman.

Amman Citadel

Perched on a hill and with panoramic views of the city, the Citadel, resembling an ancient castle, is home to ruins that date to the Bronze Age. It’s a fascinating dive into the city’s ancient past.

Rainbow Street

A vibrant street bustling with energy, Rainbow street is famous for its bohemian reputation. It boasts a wide array of eateries, art galleries, shops, and outdoor cafes. A perfect place to experience Amman’s cultural and artistic life.

Jordan Museum

This museum is the perfect place to delve deep into Jordan’s history. Engage with archaeological exhibits from prehistoric times through to the Islamic era.

Hashem Restaurant:

No visit to Amman would be complete without tasting the local flavors at Hashem Restaurant. Tucked away in an alleyway, it’s an experience in itself. Enjoy their scrumptious falafel and hummus along with the local crowd.

Al Balad:

Al Balad, the heart of Amman, is a historic district filled with traditional markets, mouth-watering food stalls, and exuberant night-life.

These places provide a perfect mix of cultural, historic, and recreational experiences, thus ensuring that your time in Amman is well spent.

Captivating Hidden Gems in Jordan

Explore the well-preserved Roman Ruins

The Roman Ruins of Jerash

are an astounding testament to Jordan’s historical grandeur. Known as one of the best-preserved sites of Roman architecture outside Italy, these ruins allow history enthusiasts and casual tourists alike to walk through the corridors of time.

Hadrian’s Arch

Start your exploration with the iconic Hadrian’s Arch, standing approximately 11 meters tall and double that in its apex. Built to honor Emperor Hadrian’s visit in 129 AD, this archway serves as a dramatic entrance to the ancient city.

Just beyond the arch in Philadelphia, you’ll find the Hippodrome, a massive sports arena with a capacity of up to 15,000 spectators. Visitors can witness daily re-enactments of gladiatorial combat and chariot races, bringing the grandeur of the Roman era back to life.

Oval Plaza

Next is the Oval Plaza or the Forum, a vast, oval-shaped colonnaded plaza unique to Jerash. The forum and the adjacent Temple of Zeus are architectural marvels and provide an amazing photographic perspective.

South Theatre

Do not miss out on the South Theatre that once accommodated more than 3000 spectators. It is still used today for concerts and performances, courtesy of its incredible acoustics.

The Roman Ruins of Jerash are a veritable treasure house of ancient Roman culture, preserved nearly perfectly for modern visitors. Despite the heat, a trip to these ruins would transport you back in time and allow you to experience the grandeur of the Roman Empire that once was.

Visiting the medieval city of Umm Qais

Situated in the northern fringes of Jordan, Umm Qais, formerly known as the city of Gadara, is a breath-taking haven of ancient ruins. Unlike other bustling tourist spots in Jordan, Umm Qais offers a rather tranquil and serene environment.

sprawling archaeological site

The crown jewel of Umm Qais is its sprawling archaeological site. Dating back to the 3rd century BC, and thought to have been founded by Alexander the Great’s troops, it reveals a vivid picture of the Hellenistic and Roman periods through its well-preserved ruins of ancient temples, houses, and a colonnaded street.

black basalt theater

Notably, it boasts a well-preserved black basalt theater, which is the highlight of the archaeological site. Its sheer grandeur reflects the high level of skill and craftsmanship that went into its making. Interestingly, the city of Umm Qais also has a Biblical reference, as it is believed to be the place where Jesus cast demons from men to pigs.

Umm Qais

Complementing the historic allure of Umm Qais, the town offers panoramic views of the surrounding areas, including the Sea of Galilee and the Golan Heights, from its hilltop setting. A quaint and peaceful experience awaits you in the small museum of Umm Qais, housing statues and mosaics discovered here.

Reachable within just a couple of hours from Amman, a visit to Umm Qais is highly recommended for those who desire a touch of Jordanian history accompanied by an incredibly peaceful atmosphere.

Unforgettable Luxury in the Desert: Petra and Wadi Rum

Discovering the ancient city of Petra

Petra, or “The Rose City”, is undoubtedly the crown jewel of Jordanian history and a UNESCO World Heritage site. Renowned for its rock-cut architecture, it was once the flourishing capital of the Nabataean empire.

The siq

Your journey to uncover Petra begins with a 1.2km (0.75mi) walk through the Siq, a narrow gorge flanked by towering cliffs on either side, such as the Khazali canyon. As you round the final corner, the first sight of the Al-Khazneh, or the Treasury, will leave you mesmerised. Carved out from the pink sandstone cliff, this iconic structure remains Petra’s most celebrated landmark.

roman theater

Venture further into the city center, and you’ll encounter the ancient Roman Amphitheater, or roman theater, carved from solid rock, proof of the city’s Roman past. Today the Amphitheater and the streets of facades provide an impression of the Nabataen life as the city’s bustling center of commerce and culture.

the Monastery

Your exploration of Petra will not be complete without visiting the Monastery, Petra’s largest monument. Reachable via a flight of roughly 850 stairs, the Monastery rewards travelers with its sheer size, architectural grandeur, and the incredible scenery from the surrounding viewpoints.

With its expansive ruins and equally extensive history, Petra is an unforgettable chapter of your Jordan adventure, offering glimpses into an ancient world that still echoes with the grandeur of the civilizations that once thrived here.

Indeed, the beautiful narratives Petra holds within, its intricate facades carved into rose-colored stone, and expertly engineered aqueducts, tell an unmatched tale of endurance, ingenuity, and grandeur, making it one of the Seven Wonders of the World. Petra promises an extraordinary journey through time, unlike any other.

Adventure meets serenity: Camping in Wadi Rum

Immersing yourself within the natural beauty of Jordan becomes an unforgettable experience when camping in Wadi Rum. Also known as the “Valley of the Moon”, Wadi Rum is a vast desert landscape that blends picturesque golden sands, towering sandstone mountains, and sweeping, star-studded night skies, creating a mystifying ambiance of raw beauty. Moreover, exploring the hidden caves in Wadi Rum adds another layer of adventure to your journey, allowing you to discover the secrets of this enchanting desert.

Bedouin lifestyle

Experience a true Bedouin lifestyle as you venture into the heart of Wadi Rum and camp in traditional Bedouin tents or luxury camps—some even offer ‘Martian Domes’ to amplify the stargazing experience. A stay in one of these camps, such as the popular Captains Desert Camp, allows you to enjoy a dash of tranquility, devoid of the noise of city life. Take a slow stroll by the candlelight, relish a traditional Bedouin meal cooked in the ground, or undertake a camel ride with the majestic camels as the sun gently sets over the horizon—an enchanting melody of colors and shadows; an unforgettable image of pure serenity.

Wadi rum desert jeep tour

Embarking on a deep desert jeep tour or fulfilling your Lawrence of Arabia fantasies through a camel safari brings out the adventurer in you while opening up astounding desert castle vistas unseen from the beaten path.

Moreover, renowned as a world-climbing destination, Wadi Rum is home to several climbing, bouldering, and mountaineering trails that cater to all experience levels. Countless unclimbed and unnamed rocks add to the thrill.

When the night falls, the silence of the desert is offset only by the spectacular night sky, a canvas of twinkling stars and galaxies that is beyond mesmerizing.

power of the desert

Come to Wadi Rum to immerse in the quiet power of the desert, its imposing landscapes that speak of nature’s magnificence, its nights that inspire wonder and awe, and its days that inspire adventure and exhilaration—a fusion of serenity and thrill that is purely unmatched.

The Refreshing Charm of The Dead Sea

Therapeutic Mud Baths at the Dead Sea

A visit to Jordan is incomplete without experiencing the therapeutic mud baths at the Dead Sea— the lowest point on Earth. It’s not just a sea, but a natural wonder filled with unique healing properties dating back to the times of Herod the Great.

Dead Sea mud

The mud sourced from the Dead Sea is rich in minerals such as magnesium, sodium, potassium, and calcium, including mineral water, which contribute to its therapeutic qualities. Visitors usually apply the mud all over their bodies, leave it to dry in the sun for approximately 10 to 15 minutes and then wash it in the sea. Post this natural mud therapy, you will find your skin becoming rejuvenated, incredibly soft, almost similar to a baby’s bottom!

mud baths at the Dead Sea

Moreover, the mud baths at the Dead Sea are often recommended to alleviate skin ailments like psoriasis, acne, and even rheumatism—highlighting its multi-faceted therapeutic potential. Alongside DIY experiences, you can enjoy pampering spa treatments utilizing Dead Sea minerals at luxury hotels present around the shore, such as the Kempinski Hotel Ishtar.

spa experience at the Dead

Soaking and scrubbing your worries away with a spa experience at the Dead Sea is a unique experience that combines relaxation, rejuvenation, and therapeutic healing. It’s more than just a dip in a sea—it’s a dip into natural wellness and health!

Floating effortlessly on the salt-laden waters

The Dead Sea is renowned for a remarkable phenomenon—its unusually high saline concentration allows you to float effortlessly on its surface! With the salinity being nearly ten times higher than regular sea water, the high density ensures that you stay buoyant in the water.

Whether you’re a skilled swimmer or someone who just loves wading in the water, everyone can enjoy the unique sensation of floating without any effort. It’s an experience unlike any other, comparable perhaps, to floating in outer space.

float in the sea

Numerous resorts along the Jordanian banks offer access to private Dead Sea beaches where you can enjoy floating in privacy and comfort. Consider spending a day here—float in the sea, lie back, and read a book or just soak in the beautiful surrounding landscapes—creating an experience that blends relaxation, amusement, and healthy minerals!

For a tip: when wading into the sea, keep your feet on the ground until the water is neck deep. Then, lean back and let the water lift you up! Also, avoid touching your eyes and mouth while floating due to the water’s high salt content which can cause discomfort.

In all, the experience of effortlessly floating on the salt-laden waters of the Dead Sea is an enduring memory in your Jordanian adventure. Floating here feels like magic, like breaking the rules of gravity – a sensation you’re likely to cherish!

The Culinary Voyage through Jordan

An overview of Jordanian Cuisine

The harmony of regional influences and traditional Bedouin cooking makes Jordanian cuisine a delight for the taste buds. Rooted in the generous hospitality of the Bedouins, Jordanian cuisine is characterized by its diverse dishes and rich flavors brought forth by a unique combination of herbs, spices, and cooking techniques.

mezze in Jordan

A gastronomical journey through Jordan begins with mezzes, or small starters. Originating from the Persian word ‘To Taste’, mezze in Jordan encompasses a variety of dips, appetizers, and small shared plates. You can explore a range of mezzes from simple bowls of hummus or labneh to elaborate mini-mains of fried chicken liver (kibdet djaj) or wings (jawaneh).


The national dish of Jordan, is an integral part of Jordanian food culture. It’s a traditional lamb dish cooked in a sauce of fermented dried yogurt, and served over a bed of rice or bulgur, traditionally garnished with roasted nuts.


Another favorite is Maqluba, a flavourful one-pot dish with meat, rice, and vegetables, which is flipped before serving, hence the name ‘Maqluba’ which translates to ‘upside-down’.

No Jordanian meal is complete without a swig of the ultra-strong, universe-defining Arabic coffee, or a cup of the popular mint tea.


For dessert, try Kanafeh, a mouth-watering pastry soaked in sweet syrup, layered with cheese or cream, and drizzled with pistachios. Jordanian cuisine also packs a punch with a variety of pickles, salads, and bread as accompaniments.

Whether you’re dining in Amman’s fine Arabic restaurants or experiencing a Bedouin gathering in the desert, there’s no denying the allure and appeal of Jordanian cuisine—a delicious mix of its rich historical past and vibrant modernity.

Must-try dishes for foodies

Foodies embarking on a culinary voyage through Jordan will find a plethora of must-try dishes that represent the country’s rich gastronomic heritage.

Maqluba: Meaning ‘upside down’, Maqluba is a delicious casserole made with meat, rice, and vegetables, all cooked together before being flipped over onto a platter for serving, giving the dish its unique name.

Mutabbal: An appetizing eggplant dip, Mutabbal is commonly served as a mezze. This smoky dip is a perfect accompaniment to warm breads and is a must-try for vegetarians. If you ever visit Madaba, don’t forget to try the local version of Mutabbal, which is known for its unique blend of flavors.


These crispy chickpea nuggets of goodness can be found on every street corner. Often served in bread with salads and sauces, they make for a delicious snack or light meal.


Made by soaking a pastry in sweet syrup, this cheezy, creamy dessert is a must for those with a sweet tooth. The top layer of Kanafeh is often sprinkled with ground pistachio, creating a dessert that is as delicious as it is beautiful.

For a genuine taste of Amman, head over to the bustling Hashem Restaurant. Known for having the tastiest hummus in all of Amman, this fast food joint is the perfect place to kickstart your culinary adventure.

Indeed, these dishes offer a delightful exploration of Jordan’s diverse culinary landscape, promising an unforgettable culinary journey—rich in history, bursting with flavors, and steeped in cultural tradition.

Immersing in the Local Vibes: Cultural Attractions in Jordan

Tracing Jordan’s religious significance at Mount Nebo and Al-Maghtas

As a country steeped in religious history, Jordan is home to several important biblical sites, including Mount Nebo and Al-Maghtas. These sites hold great historical and religious significance, not only for Jordan but also for its neighboring country, Israel.

is one of the holiest sites in Jordan. As per Bible’s Deuteronomy 34:1, Moses climbed Mount Nebo to view the ‘Promised Land’ before he died, and it is believed he was later buried here. Though his exact burial site remains a mystery, the panoramic views from Mount Nebo offer breathtaking vistas of the Jordan Valley and the Dead Sea. On a clear day, one can see as far as Jerusalem. Here, you can visit the Franciscan monastery which houses exquisite mosaics depicting various scenes from the Bible along with a serpentine cross sculpture symbolizing the bronze serpent created by Moses.

Mount Nebo

Al-Maghtas, often identified as the biblical Bethany Beyond the Jordan, is another significant religious site. It is believed to be the place where Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist. A collection of archaeological ruins and foundational structures, including a medieval monastery, were discovered here. The site has gained prominence as a baptismal pilgrimage site and has been recognized by UNESCO as a world heritage site.

Mount Nebo and Al-Maghtas serve as vital stops on the Holy Land pilgrimage route, promising profound spiritual experiences. The quietude and peace that envelops these areas add a certain mysticism, making the visit to these holy locales a tranquil and reflective experience. Religious or not—these spots offer something to every visitor: be it spiritual enlightenment, historical interest, or simple admiration of their tranquil beauty.

Walking through the colors of Rainbow Street, Amman

Rainbow Street, located in the heart of downtown Amman, is a one-way cobble-stoned street that brings together cultural charm, lively atmosphere, and historical allure. It’s a place where you can experience Amman’s pulsating energy amidst an array of colors—both literal and figurative.

Rainbow Street

Strollthrough Rainbow Street and you’ll encounter a mix of hip, bohemian vibes resonating through its various rooftop bars, art galleries, souvenir shops, and eclectic music venues. For the foodies, the street is packed with numerous cafes and restaurants offering a variety of cuisines ranging from traditional Jordanian to modern international fare.

attractions of Amman

Not far from Rainbow street are major attractions of Amman, such as the Citadel Hill and the Roman Theatre, adding cultural gusto to your visit. History buffs can explore the cluster of elegant little 1920s stone villas near the intersection of Rainbow Street and Othman bin Affan Street. Notable among them is the famous Jordanian restaurant Sufra and the NOFA Creative Space, which frequently hosts exhibitions, music recitals, and readings.


For souvenir hunters, Rainbow Street offers a delightful assortment of shops selling local handicrafts, jewelry, and trinkets that make for wonderful keepsakes or gifts.

The vibrancy of Rainbow Street extends well into the night, with a bustling nightlife that does not disappoint. Whether you’re exploring during the day or after dark, a walk through Rainbow Street rewards you with colors of Jordan’s unique culture, history, and modern urban rhythm. Regardless of your interests, be they history, gastronomy, shopping, or nightlife, Rainbow Street has a little something for everyone.

Exploring Jordan’s Natural Beauty

A journey through the Dana Biosphere Reserve

A natural gem in Jordan, the Dana Biosphere Reserve is a spectacular showcase of the nation’s diverse landscapes and rich biodiversity. The largest nature reserve in Jordan, Dana Biosphere Reserve cuts through the heart of the country, covering a sweep of territory from highland cliffs to desert floor.

Housing four different bio-geographical zones of the country (Mediterranean, Irano-Turanian, Saharo-Arabian, and Sudanian), its ecosystem dramatically changes from rich oak and juniper woodlands to arid sandy desert with vast sand dunes. Growing climate gradient has resulted in a wide variety of flora and fauna—over 800 plant species and 449 animal species, many of which are endangered like the Sand Cat, Syrian Wolf, and the spiny-tailed lizard.

village of Dana

As you explore the reserve, the 15th-century stone village of Dana, offers charming stone houses inhabited by hardy farmers. Multi-day hikes can be arranged from the village of Dana to the Feynan Ecolodge that takes you through the heart of the reserve, offering unparalleled wildlife-watching opportunities—making this a favorite destination among nature enthusiasts and bird watchers.

Dana Guesthouse

In the heart of the reserve, you can choose to stay at the Dana Guesthouse. Boasting eco-friendly practices and authentic Bedouin hospitality, it’s the perfect place to relax, unwind, and wake up to some of most breathtaking landscapes in the Middle East.

Dana Biosphere Reserve

The beauty of the Dana Biosphere Reserve lies not just in its wildlife, but also in its heritage. It’s an expanse of uninterrupted wilderness where time has stood still—it’s an enchanting encapsulation of Jordan’s natural and cultural treasures.

Wildlife spotting in the Azraq Wetland Reserve

For nature enthusiasts and bird-watchers descending upon Jordan, a trip to the Azraq Wetland Reserve in Eastern Jordan is a must. The reserve, nestled amid desert landscapes is a unique oasis, serving as a vital stopover for migratory birds from three continents.

Once known for its marshes and lakes, the reserve is now mainly fed by water pumped back from Amman, showcasing an effort towards eco-friendliness. Pathways through thick reed beds and gushing pools introduce you to the reserve’s unique ecosystem, home to an array of fauna. The highlight remains bird-watching opportunities, making the reserve a bird lover’s paradise. You can spot species such as the Marsh Harrier, Little Bittern, and Cetti’s warbler.

The reserve also houses an impressive eco-lodge overlooking a watering hole, offering a viewing hide from where one can watch different species of birdlife and occasionally spot water buffalos that roam the reed beds.

A tour of the ancient ruins of the Umayyad Aqueduct and the small museum on the premises provides you with rich information about the wetlands’ charismatic past.

The Azraq Wetland Reserve is a serene retreat that not only aims at preserving the environment and wildlife but also in educating individuals about the implication of human interaction with nature. It’s a perfect blend of eco-conservation efforts and history, making it more than just a nature reserve—it is a testament to thoughtful progress.

Thrilling Outdoor Activities in Jordan

Red Sea diving & snorkelling—Aqaba’s underwater wonder

Renowned for its vibrant coral reefs and a diverse array of marine life, Aqaba is a haven for divers and ranks among the best diving destinations in the world. Located on the Gulf of Aqaba and connected to the Red Sea, this coastal city offers an exceptional underwater experience for both recreational and technical scuba diving.

Experience the thrill of exploring shipwrecks, such as the Cedar Pride, and hang out with vibrant schools of fish, sea turtles, and occasional dolphins. The stunning coral reef structures house a colorful ecosystem of marine life, all while ensuring the safety of divers with its gentle currents.

Not limited to just experienced divers, Aqaba’s pupil friendly diving schools offer PADI certification courses for novices wanting to flavor this marine adventure. Snorkeling is very populary here as well, and there are plenty of excellent spots to explore right near the beach. With the water temperature remaining decently warm throughout the year, it’s almost always a great time to take a dive!

Above the water, Aqaba is equally charming, characterized by its sunny weather, historical sites, and luxurious resorts. So after an exciting day underwater, you can always explore the city or simply relax by the pool or on the beach.

Whether you relish the tranquility beneath the waves, chase the thrill of encountering an elusive marine creature, or take delight in the vivid colors of coral reefs—diving in Aqaba is a mesmerizing encounter with nature’s underwater wonder.

Canyoning and hiking—Adventures in Wadi Mujib

For adventurers visiting Jordan, exploring Wadi Mujib is a must. Often called ‘Jordan’s Grand Canyon’, Wadi Mujib offers a unique combination of canyoning and hiking opportunities.

Canyoning through Wadi Mujib is an exhilarating thrill, as it involves trailing down waterfalls into fast-flowing water, swimming through pools, and sliding through narrow gorges. Wearing PFD (Personal Floatation Device), you can navigate the Tel Aviv or Ibex trails known for being the most challenging.

The sightseeing adventure begins at sea level, and you scramble up beside Mujib’s river until you reach breathtaking hot springs. You can swim in these thermal pools, and depending on the time of year, proceed uphill to engage in abseiling (rappelling). The trail can be rugged and slippery, with the situation only becoming trickier with occasional flash floods. Thus, safety is paramount on this sightseeing adventure, and having a guide along with you enhances the security of the journey.

Additionally, bird watchers and sightseeing enthusiasts would love the chance to spot some of the 149 species that live in this unique biosphere. Even if bird-watching isn’t your thing, the chance to see these species in their natural habitat as you navigate the breathtaking challenges of Wadi Mujib is an experience that’s hard to pass up.

Just a short drive from the bustling city of Amman and the tranquility of the Dead Sea, visiting Wadi Mujib can be a thrilling detour for adventurers—a fun way to immerse yourself in the natural beauty that Jordan has on offer. The trails through Wadi Mujib rank among the best in the country, promising a fun, exhilarating, and utterly unforgettable addition to your trip.

Frequently Asked Questions About Visiting Jordan

What is the best time to visit Jordan?

The best time to visit Jordan is during the spring (March to May) and autumn (September to November), when the weather is mild and the landscapes are lush. During these months, the country experiences long, warm days around 25°C (77°F), perfect for exploring archaeological sites like Petra, or for indulging in outdoor activities like hiking and canyoning.

Spring is especially beautiful in Jordan as wildflowers cover the fields, and the country’s many nature reserves are teeming with life. Autumn also offers comfortable weather and is an excellent time to travel to avoid the larger summer crowds.

The summer months (June to August) can get extremely hot, especially in Jordan’s deserts and the Jordan Valley, with temperatures often peaking above 36°C (97°F). Meanwhile, winters are usually mild but rains are frequent, and snow occasionally blankets Amman and the highlands.

Please note that the month of Ramadan, wherein Muslims fast from sunrise to sunset, might affect the opening hours of attractions, restaurants, and shops.

Considering the climate, outdoor activities, big annual events, religious observances, and sightseeing trips, it will ensure your Jordan excursion is as enriching and enjoyable as possible.

Is Jordan expensive for tourists?

Costs can vary widely when it comes to traveling in Jordan, and much depends on your preferences and the kind of experience you’re seeking. As a guide, it’s estimated that a vacation in Jordan will cost you about JOD58 ($82) per day, which will cover your food, transportation, and accommodation.

Jordan offers a range of accommodation options, from budget-friendly guest houses to luxury hotels, which suit every need and budget. Food is generally reasonably priced, with street food and local Arabic restaurants offering meals for less than JOD5 ($7), although dining at upscale venues can be costlier.

However, Jordan can seem expensive due to the high entrance fees for foreigners at popular tourist sites. In particular, admission to the ancient city of Petra costs JOD50 ($70) for a one-day pass, and tours in the desert of Wadi Rum can also be quite pricey.

To manage your expenditure better, consider getting the Jordan Pass, which includes visa entry fees and gives you free access to more than 40 tourist attractions including Petra, Jerash, Wadi Rum, and more. This pass can be purchased online prior to your arrival in Jordan and costs between JOD70 and JOD80 ($99 – $113), providing significant savings.

In conclusion, while Jordan might be slightly more expensive compared to other countries in the Middle East, the costs are quite manageable and still within range for many travelers. The rich history, stunning landscapes, cultural experiences, and warm hospitality that Jordan offers undoubtedly make every dime spent worthwhile.

What can you wear in jordan?

Travelers to Jordan often wonder about appropriate attire given the country’s Islamic traditions. While Jordan, on the whole, is a modern and progressive Arab country, it’s always beneficial to respect local culture and customs while visiting.

In general, both men and women should consider clothing that covers their knees and shoulders. Women may choose to wear long skirts, dresses, or loose trousers. Tops should cover the shoulders, cleavage, and belly area.

However, while visiting religious sites such as mosques, women are required to cover their hair with a scarf. It is therefore practical to keep a scarf handy.

That said, certain areas especially populated by Western tourists and expats, like the bars and nightclubs of Amman and Aqaba, have a more relaxed dress code and Western-style clothing is common.

No matter the style, light, breathable fabrics are a good choice due to Jordan’s often warm climate. For the sun’s harsh rays, a sun hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen are recommended as well. Comfortable shoes, preferably closed-toed, are essential, considering the walking and hiking involved at attractions like Petra and Wadi Rum.

In conclusion, it would be respectful to dress modestly in Jordan—the rule of thumb being to cover as much skin as possible without compromising on comfort. The good news is Jordanians are quite accustomed to tourists, and understand that not everyone may be fully aware of their customs. As much as dressing appropriately is a respectful gesture, it’s your attitude that counts the most. Respect their customs and traditions, and you’ll be respected in return.

What currency is used in jordan?

The official currency of Jordan is the Jordanian Dinar, abbreviated as JOD. It’s commonly divided into smaller units known as piastres or qirsh, but in modern everyday commerce, the dinar is the primary unit of exchange.

When visiting Jordan, it’s advisable to carry some cash, especially when visiting rural areas or small shops as they might not be equipped to accept cards. Major cities like Amman and tourist spots such as Petra or Wadi Rum do accept credit and debit cards, and ATMs are commonly available. However, for small purchases and tipping, cash is preferred.

It’s essential to note the currency exchange rates. At the time of writing the conversion rate in Jordan was about 1.4 USD to 1 JOD and 1.2 EUR to 1 JOD. Be sure to convert your currency accordingly when budgeting for your trip.

In summary, while planning your financial transition to Jordan, it’s best to mix your modes—carry some cash (Jordanian Dinars), but also make use of the other available options such as debit or credit cards for your convenience. Do remember to notify your bank about your travel plans to ensure your card works when you land!

What are the best local dishes to try?

Jordanian cuisine is an enticing blend of Mediterranean and Arabic flavors, with a few unique local twists. Here are some must-try local dishes that you shouldn’t miss during your visit:

Mansaf: Mansaf is not just a dish but an experience. As the national dish of Jordan, it embodies the hospitality spirit of this friendly nation. It consists of lamb cooked in a sauce of fermented dried yogurt, served with fragrant rice or bulgur, and garnished with roasted nuts.

Maqluba: Translated to ‘upside down’, this one-pot dish consists of flavorful layers of rice, vegetables, and meat, cooked together and then flipped upside down onto a plate, which lends the dish its name.

Zarb: A Bedouin style feast, Zarb refers to meat and vegetables grilled in an oven dug into sandy grounds. It is a staple desert dish typically served during local gatherings or feasts.

Falafel and Hummus: Though shared widely across the Levant, the experience of savoring crispy falafels and creamy hummus in an Amman eatery, a tent in the Bedouin desert, or a bustling market at Al Balad, is truly unforgettable.

Fatteh: A breakfast or brunch dish, Fatteh features layers of crunchy bread, fragrant rice, tender meat, and a creamy topping of yogurt and nuts.

Shawarma: Thinly sliced meats like lamb or chicken, rolled into a pita bread with pickles, vegetables, and tahini sauce make Shawarma, a popular grab-and-go street food.

Knafeh: This sweet cheese pastry soaked in syrup is a decadent, full-flavored dessert that’s a must-try for those with a sweet tooth.

Whether you’re indulging at a high-end restaurant in Amman or enjoying a simple meal at a traditional Bedouin dwelling, Jordanian cuisine promises to be a delightful gastronomical journey as flavorful and inviting as the country itself.

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